Project types in Can Do

What types of projects are there in Can Do? This does not mean company-specific types that every company can configure itself, but technical project models and their calculations.

Normal projects

In the standard version, these projects are simply created using the table planner. As soon as resources are assigned to the project, Can Do checks for possible overloads with all other projects and displays them. Any number of projects can be created.

These projects are usually shown in blue


Subprojects “belong” to “normal projects”, i.e. they are virtually their children and the “normal project” is then referred to as the main project in this context. When the main project is opened, the subproject is immediately displayed to me and can also be “opened”.

However, the subproject behaves like a “normal” project, meaning it can be opened alone, has different budgets, a different project manager and, if necessary, its own access rights. A subproject can only be assigned to one master project. 

Within a sub-project, any number of other sub-projects can be created (grandchild). This hierarchy can be made as deep as you like. The software checks that there can be no so-called circular relationship, i.e. a sub-project contains another project on the higher level as a sub-project.

Resource management works in the same way as with “normal” projects.

Subprojects are also shown in blue.

Simulated projects

Simulated projects behave in exactly the same way as “normal” projects, with the difference that resources are calculated between simulated and real projects. In the event of an overload, a corresponding display is also displayed. However, simulated projects do not cause overloads in real projects. Resource management in simulated projects therefore shows what would happen if the project was removed from the simulated state and became a real project.

The simulation can be stopped and reactivated at any time.

Resources usually do not see the assignments in a simulated project in time recording and the personal app. All other apps also only display this data if the corresponding buttons are activated in the apps.

You can also plan as you like in simulated projects. There may also be simulated sub-projects.

Simulated projects are shown in a different color, usually yellow.

Demands - project proposals

Demands always have a portfolio as “father” and can also only be assigned to one portfolio. Demands consist only of a planning object, the project itself with name, start and end. All other information for projects can also be stored. It's just that detailed planning with packages and phases cannot be carried out. In this case, the demand “transforms” into a simulated project. Resource management works in the same way as with simulated projects.

The special feature of this type is the percentage probability of occurrence. This can be between 0% and 100%. This value is taken into account when calculating the risk for overloads. This type of project is used in demand management to check the feasibility of new projects within a portfolio in advance.

Demands are usually shown in green in portfolios.


Portfolios are a compilation of all project types described above. The projects are only displayed there as a line or an entry. The detailed planning is not visible here. 

“normal” projects and “sub-projects” in the portfolio can be postponed in time. All underlying work packages, phases, etc. are also included.

Simulated projects can also be postponed in the portfolio.

Projects, sub-projects and simulated projects can exist in several portfolios at the same time. They are virtually just “representatives” of real projects. In this way, different portfolios can be put together, but can also contain the same projects. These representatives are also known as “proxies.” 

Demands can also be in portfolios.

All objects in a portfolio can be linked together to represent the dependency between projects.

Projects are changed in portfolios in real time. This means that when a project manager changes progress within a project, the impact on the projects in the portfolio is updated in real time.

In portfolios, milestones can also be created and linked to all other projects.

Projects in the archive

All projects can be archived. Demands cannot be archived. As a result, the projects will not change but can no longer be changed as long as they are in the archive. Projects can also be retrieved from the archive.