Setting up the JIRA interface with the JIRA Cloud solution

To use the automatic interface, 3 so-called webhooks must be set up in the administration area on the JIRA side. Furthermore, only 'Company Managed Projects' are supported.

JIRA: Only Company Managed Projects

When creating a new project, please always use Company Managed:


Setting up WebHooks:


You need administration rights in JIRA.

Go to Settings in JIRA (gear icon at the top right).

Select Webhooks from the list of topics.

At the top right, there is a button "Create a Webhook". Set up the following 3 webhooks there.

Note that the path of your Can Do instance is used. In the example below, the URL of the instance is:

The 1st WebHook is: IssueHook, so it is:

WebHook #1 Name: IssueHook CanDoURL: Events: -all Issues- Issue created, updated, deleted WebHook


2nd WebHook: SprintHook

WebHook #2 Name: SprintHook CanDoURL: Events: - Sprint created, updated, deleted, started, closed WebHook


3rd WebHook: IssueLinkHook

WebHook #3 Name: IssueLinkHook CanDoURL: Events: - all Issues - Issue Link (Issue Linking) created, deleted


Further information is available on the Atlassian page: WebHooks