What is skill planning in a project?

Skill planning in a project refers to the systematic identification, allocation, and management of the skills and competencies required for the successful execution of the project.

This type of planning is a crucial part of resource management and helps ensure that the project team has the necessary skills to achieve project goals efficiently and effectively.

Skill planning typically includes the following steps:

  1. Identification of Required Skills: Initially, the specific skills and knowledge needed for the various tasks and phases of the project are defined. This can include technical skills, expertise, soft skills, and management abilities.

  2. Assessment of Existing Skills in the Team: The skills that current team members possess are analyzed. This can be done through skill matrices, assessments, or discussions.

  3. Gap Analysis: It is determined where skill gaps exist – areas where the current team lacks the required skills.

  4. Planning for Training Measures or New Hires: To fill the identified gaps, considering training for existing team members or recruiting new members with the necessary skills can be an option.

  5. Task Assignment Based on Skills: Tasks in the project are distributed in a way that aligns with the strengths and abilities of the team members.

  6. Continuous Monitoring and Adjustment: Throughout the project, it's continually assessed whether the team's skills match the requirements, and adjustments are made as necessary.

Skill planning not only helps in maximizing the team's effectiveness but also contributes to employee satisfaction, as team members are assigned tasks that match their skills and interests. It is a dynamic process that requires flexibility and regular reviews to respond to changes during the project.

How does Can Do supports skill planning in a project?

Can Do supports skill planning in projects in the following ways:
 - Can Do's skill management tool allows automated capture and documentation of skills of employees, including soft skills and technical competencies. This makes it easier to centrally manage skills and gives companies a comprehensive picture of existing resources. 
 - Through analysis of market trends, technological developments and corporate goals, Can Do's KI can support forecasting future skill requirements, enabling forward-looking workforce planning and timely development or procurement of needed skills. 
 - Can Do's KI helps identify bottlenecks or gaps in skills to initiate targeted training and qualification measures for employees.