JIRA Interface: Issue Resource Not Transferred

It may happen that an assignee in JIRA is not assigned as a resource to the work package in Can Do.

Checking Email Address

Can Do identifies the JIRA assignee through their email address. The email address stored in Can Do for the resource must be the same as in JIRA. If the address is different, the resource cannot be identified and therefore cannot be assigned.

The user in Can Do can adjust the email address in Can Do themselves using the 'My Data' app or in the HR Suite using the 'Resource Management' app.


In the 'Contact Information' section, the email address is displayed:


JIRA in the Cloud

In the JIRA Cloud, a setting for the user needs to be changed so that the email address is also passed to the interface with Can Do. If the switch is not set correctly, Can Do does not receive information about the person in the story, and the resource cannot be assigned.

In JIRA, the "Account Settings" section must be selected.


At the very bottom, in the 'Contact/Who can see this?' section, 'Everyone' must be selected.
