What are milestones in Can Do

Milestones in Can Do represent sub-goals into which the overall project goal is divided. The initial planning of milestones is carried out at a rough, higher-level level, where they are planned together with phases.

Milestones are used in projects for various reasons:

1. **Structuring and planning**: Milestones help to divide a large project into smaller, manageable sections. This makes the overall project easier to structure and plan.

2. **Goal Alignment and Focus**: They provide clear goals or results that the team can focus on. This promotes the focus of all participants on common goals.

3. **Progress monitoring**: Milestones serve as important control points to monitor the progress of a project. They make it possible to identify at an early stage whether the project is on schedule or whether adjustments are necessary.

4. **Risk management**: By setting milestones, risks can be better identified and managed. Problems that arise when reaching a milestone can be identified and addressed at an early stage.

5. **Motivation and team moral**: Reaching milestones can be very motivating for the project team. It provides an opportunity to celebrate success and boost morale.

6. **Communication with stakeholders**: Milestones are important tools in communication with stakeholders, including customers, clients and other stakeholders. They provide a clear basis for reporting on project progress and performance.

7. **Quality assurance**: At each milestone, the quality of the work done up to that point can be checked and ensured that it meets the requirements.

8. **Resource management**: Milestones make it possible to plan and allocate resources (such as time, budget, and personnel) more effectively because it is clear when and where these resources are needed.

Overall, milestones help make projects clearer, more controllable and ultimately more successful.

How do I plan milestones in Can Do?

In Can Do, milestones can be created in the project management app. 

Behind each milestone, goals can also be formulated as a kind of checklist (details/goals). During the project, the goals are always checked off when a goal is achieved.

Once all goals have been achieved, the milestone can also be considered complete (it is then set to completed).

One method of analysis is the so-called Milestone trend analysis